#29 Bridal Veil Falls Walkway

Bridal Veil Falls can be found tucked away in New Zealand’s Waikato. This gem is located a short drive from Raglan Beach which you cannot miss with well marked signage from the main road to Hamilton.

The trail begins with an easy 10 minute walk listening the sounds of this powerful 53 meter waterfall. The path splits with directions to the top viewing platform on left and the stairway down to the lower observation deck on right.

The top viewing platform is not for someone bothered by heights as it looks directly over the waterfall.  As you continue on your walk, the second platform presents a further back look at the falls from the hilltop.  This view offers the best spot for waterfall pictures resembling its name “Bridal Veil”.


The 3rd viewing option happens at about the halfway point.  A great spot for selfies!


The climb down consists of mostly stairs so something to be mindful of with little ones.  Similar to other walks in New Zealand the trails tend to be muddy after rainfall especially in the winter and spring months.

The lower bridge crosses over a large pool of water with the waterfall on one side and a stream flowing out on the opposite side.

Andrew took a video from our GoPro on our last trip there.  Notice the amount of water is down due to the drought we were having at the time.  The winter months make a better picture!

Bridal Veil Falls from Amber Herden on Vimeo.


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